Committed to Serve with Expertise, Technology and Humanity.

Whatever the period of time in history - the pioneering spirit never dies! Other achieve, but class stands out as a cut above the rest - in all its possible forms and in all possible spheres - from themes in science fiction, to those of fantasy, but most importantly - to delivery of effective service.

This is B B Eye Foundation!

Comparable to, the first perfect "first-person-shooter" mechanic: pioneering perfection in eye care for the past 29 glorious years of Eastern India. Being a continuing integral part of the service delivery system, since the eighties they bring with them - "Age Old Experience" with "New Age Technology" - the two interwoven to provide a "genre hybridisation" over a period of more than all of two decades - certainly unmatched by others elsewhere.

We offer unparalleled, skilled, dedicated and cost effective-Ophthalmic Care. Time is therefore ripe to imprint upon history this ethos of "genre hybridisation". And "Branching Out" was piloted as part of its efforts to provide a unique, value added ophthalmic care to a larger population of West Bengal.

The 21st Century Hospital is being made NABH compliant

Way Ahead of the Rest...We are the Best

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